Skip to content
Start of Pipeline - (2 min 50 sec in block)
libraryResource - (7 ms in self)org/eclipsefdn/jamstack/hugo/agent.yml
echo - (0.98 sec in self)Final resourceContent: apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod spec: containers: - name: kubectl image: eclipsefdn/kubectl:okd-c1 imagePullPolicy: Always command: [ "sleep" ] args: [ "infinity" ] resources: limits: cpu: 500m memory: 256Mi - name: containertools image: eclipsefdn/containertools:alpine-latest imagePullPolicy: Always command: [ "sleep" ] args: [ "infinity" ] resources: limits: cpu: 500m memory: 256Mi - name: build image: eclipsefdn/hugo-node:h0.110.0-n18.13.0 imagePullPolicy: Always command: [ "sleep" ] args: [ "infinity" ] resources: limits: cpu: 2 memory: 2Gi - name: jnlp imagePullPolicy: Always resources: limits: cpu: 1 memory: 512Mi
podTemplate - (2 min 49 sec in block)
podTemplate block - (2 min 49 sec in block)
node - (2 min 49 sec in block)public_hugo-solstice-theme_MR-348_26-jgk6m
node block - (2 min 36 sec in block)
stage - (13 sec in block)Declarative: Checkout SCM
stage block (Declarative: Checkout SCM) - (13 sec in block)
checkout - (13 sec in self)
withEnv block - (2 min 23 sec in block)
withEnv - (2 min 23 sec in block)HOME
withEnv block - (2 min 23 sec in block)
timeout - (2 min 23 sec in block)
timeout block - (2 min 23 sec in block)
stage - (2.7 sec in block)Compute build variables
stage block (Compute build variables) - (2.7 sec in block)
script - (2.6 sec in block)
script block - (2.6 sec in block)
sh - (0.39 sec in self) #!/usr/bin/env bash [[ "false" == "true" ]] && printenv echo "credentialsId: gitlab-credentials" exit 0
withCredentials - (24 ms in block)
withCredentials block - (5 ms in block)
echo - (1 ms in self)Deployment config:
echo - (15 ms in self)
withCredentials - (26 ms in block)
withCredentials block - (11 ms in block)
writeFile - (5 ms in self)/tmp/headers9700221021382137136.tmp
sh - (1.3 sec in self)#!/usr/bin/env bash set -exuo pipefail curl -fsSL -H@"/tmp/headers9700221021382137136.tmp" "" rm -f "/tmp/headers9700221021382137136.tmp"
withCredentials - (27 ms in block)
withCredentials block - (11 ms in block)
writeFile - (5 ms in self)/tmp/headers978850392365396530.tmp
writeFile - (5 ms in self)/tmp/bodyPayload11376880199667027390.json
sh - (0.87 sec in self)#!/usr/bin/env bash set -exuo pipefail curl -fsSL -H@"/tmp/headers978850392365396530.tmp" -X POST --data @"/tmp/bodyPayload11376880199667027390.json" "" rm -f "/tmp/headers978850392365396530.tmp" "/tmp/bodyPayload11376880199667027390.json"
stage - (1 min 52 sec in block)Build Hugo site
stage block (Build Hugo site) - (1 min 52 sec in block)
container - (1 min 52 sec in block)build
container block - (1 min 52 sec in block)
sh - (0.54 sec in self)#!/usr/bin/env bash set -euo pipefail basename org/eclipsefdn/jamstack/hugo/
echo - (1 ms in self)readTrusted: bin/
readTrusted - (1.5 sec in self)bin/
echo - (1 ms in self)readTrusted: bin/ OK!
echo - (1 ms in self)Final resourceContent: #!/usr/bin/env bash # =========================================================================== # Copyright (c) 2021 Eclipse Foundation and others. # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # # # Contributors: # Christopher Guindon (Eclipse Foundation) # ========================================================================== set -euo pipefail yarn install --frozen-lockfile; yarn run build hugo --source exampleSite --theme "${PWD##*/}" --themesDir ../../ --gc --minify --destination ."${1}" --baseURL "${2}"
writeFile - (6 ms in self)
sh - (1 min 50 sec in self)#!/usr/bin/env bash set -euo pipefail chmod a+x "" "./" "./public/" ""
stage - (8.2 sec in block)Build Docker image
stage block (Build Docker image) - (8.2 sec in block)
withEnv - (8.2 sec in block)NGINX_CONF, DOCKERFILE
withEnv block - (8.2 sec in block)
container - (8.2 sec in block)containertools
container block - (8.2 sec in block)
script - (8.2 sec in block)
script block - (8.2 sec in block)
libraryResource - (11 ms in self)org/eclipsefdn/jamstack/nginx/default.conf
echo - (1 ms in self)Final resourceContent: server { listen 8080; server_name localhost; port_in_redirect off; #access_log /var/log/nginx/host.access.log main; location /docs/hugo { root /usr/share/nginx/html; index index.html index.htm; } error_page 404 /404.html; # redirect server error pages to the static page /50x.html # error_page 500 502 503 504 /50x.html; location = /50x.html { root /usr/share/nginx/html; } }
writeFile - (7 ms in self)MR-348-nginx-default.conf
libraryResource - (9 ms in self)org/eclipsefdn/jamstack/hugo/Dockerfile
echo - (<1 ms in self)Final resourceContent: FROM eclipsefdn/nginx:stable-alpine COPY MR-348-nginx-default.conf /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf RUN mkdir -p "/usr/share/nginx/html//docs/hugo" \ && echo "ok" > "/usr/share/nginx/html//docs/hugo/_livenessProbe" COPY ./public/ "/usr/share/nginx/html//docs/hugo"
writeFile - (7 ms in self)MR-348.Dockerfile
withCredentials - (0.54 sec in block)
withCredentials block - (0.53 sec in block)
sh - (0.52 sec in self)#!/usr/bin/env bash set -euo pipefail [[ "false" == "true" ]] && set -x echo "Registry login to "" with user: "${DOCKER_REGISTRY_USERNAME}"" crane auth login "" --password-stdin --username "${DOCKER_REGISTRY_USERNAME}" <<<"${DOCKER_REGISTRY_PASSWORD}"
sh - (7.6 sec in self)
stage - (18 sec in block)Deployment and cleanup
stage block (Deployment and cleanup) - (18 sec in block)
parallel - (18 sec in block)
parallel block (Branch: Cleanup previews) - (5 ms in block)
stage - (32 ms in block)Cleanup previews
stage block (Cleanup previews) - (27 ms in block)
getContext - (<1 ms in self)
parallel block (Branch: Deploy to kubernetes cluster) - (18 sec in block)
stage - (18 sec in block)Deploy to kubernetes cluster
stage block (Deploy to kubernetes cluster) - (18 sec in block)
container - (18 sec in block)kubectl
container block - (18 sec in block)
libraryResource - (2 ms in self)org/eclipsefdn/jamstack/deployment/jsonnetfile.json
echo - (1 ms in self)Final resourceContent: { "version": 1, "dependencies": [ { "source": { "git": { "remote": "", "subdir": "" } }, "version": "main" } ], "legacyImports": false }
writeFile - (8 ms in self)jsonnetfile.json
libraryResource - (1 ms in self)org/eclipsefdn/jamstack/deployment/jsonnetfile.lock.json
echo - (1 ms in self)Final resourceContent: { "version": 1, "dependencies": [ { "source": { "git": { "remote": "", "subdir": "" } }, "version": "a2a0dc300f36e7b62f24487a1a1cb9e7c8e653a2", "sum": "3aeTpmX3t6bDqDb3UZZsR4WVjrfCmQfrfKlnXwVCTno=" } ], "legacyImports": false }
writeFile - (6 ms in self)jsonnetfile.lock.json
libraryResource - (2 ms in self)org/eclipsefdn/jamstack/deployment/kube-deploy.jsonnet
echo - (1 ms in self)
writeFile - (5 ms in self)kube-deploy.jsonnet
writeFile - (5 ms in self)eclipsefdn-preview-config.json
withKubeConfig - (18 sec in block)
withKubeConfig block - (18 sec in block)
sh - (18 sec in self)
stage - (0.92 sec in block)Declarative: Post Actions
stage block (Declarative: Post Actions) - (0.91 sec in block)
script - (0.9 sec in block)
script block - (0.89 sec in block)
withCredentials - (23 ms in block)
withCredentials block - (9 ms in block)
writeFile - (4 ms in self)/tmp/headers1636952158921520160.tmp
writeFile - (6 ms in self)/tmp/bodyPayload1469022183412377357.json
sh - (0.86 sec in self)#!/usr/bin/env bash set -exuo pipefail curl -fsSL -H@"/tmp/headers1636952158921520160.tmp" -X PUT --data @"/tmp/bodyPayload1469022183412377357.json" "" rm -f "/tmp/headers1636952158921520160.tmp" "/tmp/bodyPayload1469022183412377357.json"
echo - (<1 ms in self)You can browse the site at